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Wednesday, July 02, 2003
The punks at the Paris Music Festival were not in the bands Ça caillera dans ce bled!
Just an example of the everyday antisemitism that takes place in Paris in 2003. It seems that our dear Mayor, who is busy writing prefaces for books on homophobia, had better get busy on other phobias that have reached considerable proportions as of late.
Surburban kids groping girls and telling them they need a little Middle Eastern loving, and pro-Palestinian terrorist demonstrations were all part of the Paris Music Festival.
La chronique de l'antisémitisme banalisé dans Paris en 2003. Notre cher maire de Paris, qui passe son temps à préfacer des livres sur l'homophobie, a du pain sur la planche en ce qui concerne d'autres phobies qui ont atteint dernièrement des proportions considérables.


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